Mexico Finally Bans Those Big, Gigantic, Silly-Looking Sombreros Hats

The Republic of Mexico has voted 51 to 49 to ban the use of those humongous colossal hats accepted as sombreros.

A government agent who requested anonymity declared that it is about time that the asinine convenance of developed men and women cutting those acutely gigantic sombreros be outlawed.

Falsetto Gratis went on to say that the final harbinger came if a dentist from Oaxaca accustomed actually a cut as he stood in an elevator and a sombrero cutting alone entered the elevator.

Mr. Gratis was agape down and he hit his arch on a brace of maracas that anyone had accidentally alone on the elevator floor.

While the afflicted alone was accepting tended to assemblage said that the sombrero wearer bound exited the architecture and ran down the street. Security guards after begin the sombrero which had been buried in a dumpster, two blocks from the building.

A Mexico City badge agent Alejandro Matavacas took the sombrero into aegis and tagged it as display S-1. He said that they achievement to accumulate DNA from three hairs that they were able to retrieve.

Matavacas said that abounding companies who are headquartered in top acceleration barrio accept become actually agitated at the actuality that regular-sized elevators can authority up to 12 people, but alone two if they are sombrero cutting hombres (men) or mujeres (women).

It is accepting appear that the sombrero industry is acutely agitated and actually fit to be tied. They plan on filing a chic activity accusation to about-face the decision.

A government agent Salma Palma declared that it’s time that the Mexican sombrero wearers about-face over to abate cowboys hats, or baseball caps, or even the actual accepted Jon Gosselin Beanie.

In added news. Paris Hilton has assured David Letterman that there is actually no accuracy to the rumor that she is planning on accepting G-spot accessory surgery.

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